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How does a national or local landline number boost business sales?

Simply having a local business number instead of using your mobile number could boost your sales & credibility and we’re going to tell you the reasons why…


Why is it an issue using my personal mobile number for business calls?

Firstly, professionalism. The first time a customer is going to interact with you is when they call you after seeing your ad in a local magazine, online advertising or on the side of the van. If you’re currently using your personal mobile number for all of your business calls, how many of these points relate to you?

  • I’m not always there to answer the call, so my customers' calls are missed.
  • I don’t have a voicemail configured!
  • Customers call me at all times during the day and night.
  • I can’t get a break whilst on holiday as customers still call.
  • I don’t know whether calls are personal or business.

We know this is the case for so many small and independent businesses up and down the UK, but thankfully, there is a solution, Talkin.

Talkin resolves all the points that you have just read, providing you with a local or national landline number that routes through to your mobile. Configure your own personalised welcome message, and with a Talkin number you can guarantee that you’re never going to miss a call again, as you can divert calls to multiple people in your business or use the Talkin Voicemail to Email system that records your customers details and then emails you with the details and the voicemail recording.


How does a Talkin number boost sales?

So, how does this boost sales? Sales are boosted because calls aren’t missed, all leads are captured. Customers don’t hear your mobile providers voicemail, they’ll hear a professional welcome message followed by a professional voicemail message if you’re unavailable. Customers trust calling a landline number over a mobile and ultimately, a higher degree of trust equals a higher number of calls you’ll receive.


How would a local or national landline number help my business?

Having a Talkin local business number provides you with the immediate benefits;

  • Professionalism - Advertising a local business landline is much more professional than your mobile which presents your business as merely a sole trader.
  • Trust - 60% of customers would rather call a landline than a mobile.
  • Recognise a business vs personal call - Talkin numbers tell you when the call is a coming from a customer vs a personal call.
  • Setting working hours - Only want to answer calls during certain hours? Set your work-life balance by configuring the times that your phone rings.
  • A voicemail - If you can’t answer, don’t worry, the Talkin Voicemail kicks in and will send you the voice recording to email addresses of your choice.
  • Greeting message - Answering the phone promptly is really important to prevent lost leads. Set your greeting to welcome customers to your business.
  • WhatsApp for Business - Use your Talkin business number to chat with customers directly on WhatsApp, keeping it separate from your personal WhatsApp account.
  • Divert to multiple numbers - Not available to take a call? Send your calls to multiple people in your team.

Take a look at more Talkin features.


Get started with a Talkin number today and get your first 7 days absolutely free!

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